How many projects do you currently have in your basket? I find that I need to have several different types of projects going? Here my justification….however much it does or does not make sense!
1—I need to have a “no-brainer” project--- one that I can mindlessly work on while visiting with friends or watching something on TV.
2---A portable project is a must to take when waiting to see the doctor, waiting for kids…or just in case I am detained somewhere. I learned a long time ago, that waiting isn’t half as bad if I have something to keep me occupied while waiting.
3---A challenging project is a must. I always try to advance my skills by trying something new. There is always so much to learn.
So, in an ideal world, 3 projects would be my max. The only problem is when the no-brainer project gets to the point where it now requires some concentration and, therefore, a new “no-brainer” project must be started. Then, there is the portable project that now becomes too large to be portable anymore! And….the challenging project needs to be put into a “time-out” while I figure out just what the directions are actually wanting me to do!! Gee… I’m up to 6!
So….6 isn’t too bad, is it? But, then how do I justify the other 15 that are also in my “work in progress” baskets….and yes, I did say baskets J As a shoppe owner, I’ll just use the excuse that a new yarn came in and I just had to try it out for my customers to see what it worked up like. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!
I just went through my stach. I put all yarn and kits on an excel page. I have 87 projects kitted, about 21 on needles.