Welcome 2020!

I have never been so glad to see the start of a new year!  2019 was a very trying year for me and the rest of my family.  I think each and every one of us was more than happy to say good-bye to this past year.  Hopefully 2020 will be a much quieter year for all of us.  

I usually tally up my list of finished projects for the year and make a second list of all unfinished/carryover projects for the coming year.  I didn't even do that this year....I was just so ready to start fresh with 2020.  

While the shoppe was closed over the holidays, I have the pleasure of test knitting Ambah O'Brien's latest design, Lacy Business Shawl.  She is one of my favorite designers so it was a honor to be selected to test knit her design.  It should be available for purchase on Ravelry soon.  It is a great design (as are all of her's that I have knit in the past).  I believe we have a total of 8 of them hanging in the shoppe at the present time :)  So, yes, I do love her designs.  

I have loads of new ideas and designs floating in my brain at the present time that are just waiting to come out!  So, stay tuned.......it's going to be a great year!!!


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