I can't believe the number of people who have come in since my last blog telling me that I inspired them to make a list of their own "on-going" projects and to finish some of them!!! That's the thing about making a list....you get to cross things off of it when you finish them and thus get a real feeling of accomplishment. When I make a list of things I "have" to do, I include even the smallest things.....more to cross off, and a larger feeling of accomplishment!
That being said, so far this year I have not totally finished any project. But, I have loads in the works so one day I will have a fantastic day where I finish several!! I am actually working on some items for display in the shoppe that are already earmarked to be potential Christmas presents next year. I know.....how impressive is that?? I usually start out with plenty of ambition the first of the year and then all of a sudden it's November and I wonder "where did the time go"? I am definitely going to try to do better this year! I will have to at least as far as those 2 "long time" carried over projects....too many of you have mentioned them to me. And, yes, I will post a picture of them. I just have to uncover them first!
If you are searching for some inspiration, stop in and see Bailey and/or myself. A new project is sure to help make the drab weather days we are having lately a little more bearable. And, by the way, if you happen to see the sun.....would you send some this way???
Go to to your texts. Dottie