If you have been into the Shoppe lately, you will have noticed there is something missing.......mainly me☹️ I have been in Rochester MN at Mayo Clinic since June 13. Gordon underwent his 4th heart surgery ( really 5 since he was opened twice for the first one) since June of 2017.
I cannot begin to pronounce or list everything the doctors fixed during this surgery but suffice it to say it was extremely high risk. However, to not do anything meant that he would be a "walking time bomb". The 16 hour surgery took place on Monday, the 17th, and was successful!!! He has been off of all sedatives since Wednesday but due to the complexity of the surgery we are still waiting for him to become fully alert. We are doing our best to keep everyone updated on his condition, so please have patience with us, as it is difficult to respond to everyone in a timely manner.
Bailey is taking care of everything at the Shoppe so I can remain out here with Gordon while he recovers. Hopefully we will be able to come closer to home for rehab as he begins to improve more. However, for now this is where I need to be.
As I packed for my stay out here, people thought I was crazy because I packed 9 knitting projects and 1 quilting project. I'll have you know I have already finished 4 knitting projects and am making huge progress on 3 more. Plus I had Bailey send out 2 more knitting projects with a friend who was heading to LaCrosse so one of my sons could deliver it to me! So we will have loads of new displays when I get back.
Bailey has informed me that many new yarns have been arriving and she has been doing some "summer cleaning" to make room for them. So be sure to check out all the specials she has going in my absence. And, please don't hesitate to bring any problems to her for help..... I have left the shoppe in excellent hands!!
Also, as a reminder, the shoppe will be closed from Sunday, June 30 through Sunday, July 7. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time.
Doreen and Gordon,
Many prayers for your healthy recovery. I am glad you are in Rochester in the best of the bests’ hands. God Hands are the ultimate best, right? I will visit Bailey soon. I will buy some yummy yarn.
Someone needs to care for YOU Doreen! Not an easy task to be the caregiver for so long. You are amazing! Kathy
my prayers and thoughts are with your family. my hubby has also been in the hospital for since april26 due
to auto accident. getting lots of knitting done. finally have him home from rehab,
Doreen – sending positive thoughts your way. Hoping that the coming days and weeks move Gordon closer and closer to good health. xoxo mimi
Doreen, Our thoughts and prayers are with Gordon, you and your family. I hope all of you will be home soon and for Gordon on to a speedy recovery.
When my Dad was in the hospital in Madison my mom crocheted a bunch of washcloths, we all got them for Christmas that year but I know it kept my mom busy while he was in the hospital for a month.
We are wishing you all the best!
Deb and Marian
Sorry to hear what Gordon had to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with him and you and your family.