One More Done---8 to go!!


I just finished another shawl…..I believe I am addicted to knitting shawls!!!  And, I am also in love with the shawl designs from Ambah O’Brien.  If you are not familiar with her designs, you really owe it to your “shawl” wardrobe to check her out.  I now have an entire binder that is devoted solely to her designs.  I have made at least 4 of them at this point, and am at the present time trying really, really hard NOT to cast on for another!  Her directions are easy to follow, and most of the designs use multiple yarns so I really get to play with colors.

The one I just finished is called Xandra.  It is currently on the blocking board and as soon as it comes off, photos will be taken and it will be added to our facebook page.  Bailey and I will then start playing with colors and put some kits together…..for those of you who have a difficult time with color combinations. 

Our new fall yarns are beginning to come in…..someone really went a “little” overboard with the ordering, but the yarns are beautiful.  Some we don’t even get a chance to get entered into inventory before a customer snatches it up!! 

I just checked my in-progress projects and I am down to 8!  That’s not too bad as far as I’m concerned….although I am itching to start another!  It is too difficult to be disciplined when one is surrounded by awesomeness!!  The yarns just scream to be worked with…..and, well, there is the reasoning that something needs to be made out of EVERY yarn we carry so that customers can see how it looks/feels when worked up.  Yeah, I know, it’s an excuse…but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!

We are also in the process of working on a newsletter and fall classes.  PLEASE let us know if there is anything in particular you would like us to focus on for the fall.  Classes are determined by what our customers request….and if you don’t tell us what you are wanting, we may not think to offer it!  We are always open to new ideas and/or projects to do.  We do have some exciting KAL’s planned so be sure to check out our newsletter when it is posted!!




  • Totally agree!

    Paula Olszewski
  • I agree about the shawl addiction. I keep finding more to make. I may have to start selling them.

    Jan Clark

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