I finished the Katia Ombre Cotton Shawl!!  It was such an easy, fast crochet….plus it blocked out wonderfully.  I actually wore it in the shoppe on Wednesday for the first day of our month-long celebration!  Still working on the other two projects I started last week….things have been pretty busy around here trying to get ready for the celebration.  Of course, in the process of moving yarns and organizing patterns, there are now several more items on my “to do list”.  I really is just never ending.  I’ll never understand people who say they are bored and have nothing to do!  That definitely has never been a problem I’ve had.

I wanted to get all my flowerbeds in order before the celebration started.  The weather didn’t totally cooperate but I managed to get most of the annuals planted.  The daffodils and tulips are almost all in full bloom also!!  I think Spring may finally be here after all.  Makes me really want to sit outside with my knitting and take it all in.

Just a quick reminder, too, that next week all Koigu yarns, books and patterns will be 15% off and Noro yarns, books and patterns will be 20% off!!! 


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