Update from Doreen.....April 30, 2023

I guess it is true as the saying goes that the 3rd time is a charm!!  My scheduled surgery on April 24 to replace my left knee actually happened this time!!!  The logistics of having to have it done in Madison made it a little trickier than the convenience of Janesville but thanks to my three sons and daughter-in-laws, they worked out all of the details with Gordon so all I had to do was pack my bag!!  (And, of course, the first thing that went in the bag was my knitting.  Plus, I actually did some!!)

I came home on Tuesday and had my first therapy appointment in Janesville on Thursday.  Since Gordon also had a doctor appointment in Madison that morning, Bailey volunteered to take me!  After working with each other for 15 years, we've been through so many ups and downs with each other, our relationship is way more than employer/employee.  She's part of the family :)  

May is going to be an extremely busy month in the shoppe.  Many of these events were in the planning stages long before all the fiascos with having my knee surgery.....and, well, we just couldn't postpone them.  You see tomorrow, Monday, May 1, Needles 'n Pins will be officially celebrating 30 Years in Business!!!  That's right...on May 1, 1993 I opened the door to my dream shoppe for the very first time.  It was located in the front half of the car and a half garage of where we lived at the time.  Over the course of the next few years, I took over the entire garage.  In 1999 we moved to where we are now located, a customed designed shoppe was built and, as they say....the rest is history.

As I sit here in my recliner "recouperating" from my surgery, my thoughts turn to all the wonderful friends I have made through the shop over the past 30 years and just what would I have done for a living if I hadn't had the shop.  I come up with nothing that I could have possibly enjoyed more.  It still doesn't seem like work, making that ever so long commute to the shop each day.  I was always told that if you love what you do, then you'll never have to work a day in your life.  I can truly attest to that!!!

We have tons of exciting things planned throughout the month.  Hopefully my knee will cooperate with my being able to be out in the shop as much as possible.  Bailey and I will mainly be celebrating you....our fantastic customers...because without you...we'd both have to go get real jobs!!!

Stay tuned....more details to follow!!!


  • Congratulations, thirty years in business says a lot about your shoppe and your knitting and teaching. I have to say that Dorothy, Peg, Sheila and I enjoyed our trips to Needles ‘n Pins to see what we couldn’t live without, and we did find a lot that we couldn’t live without. Sadly, Sheila passed away several months ago, but we still get together on Facetime and spend an afternoon knitting. I hope you and Bailey have many more successful years!!

    Marilyn Speh
  • I remember a day Mardell and I helped rearrange yarn. What a fun day that was. So glad you have your shoppe!! Speedy recovery. No more pain!!! Congratulations on 30 years!!

    Marcia Miller
  • WOW!!! Make sure you do your therapy!!! I’ve had one knee replaced, one to go along with needing a finger straightened. You can do it!!! Miss seeing you two and being at the shop with all of that wonderful yarn!
    Take care and keep moving!!!

    Diane M Morea
  • So happy everything is progressing well for you! I love to knit too and would love to see your shop in September!
    Best regards,

    Barb Ludeman Frieberg
  • Hi Doreen – met you long ago – friends with Dick & Donna. Congrats on your new knee!
    Had my left knee done on 2/1 and just graduated from PT. Be sure to keep up with the icing – it really helps with the swelling. PT is a pain, but be strong & keep up with it!
    Still working on going DOWN steps!
    Not looking for this to be published, just wanted to welcome you to the new knee club!

    Linda Haack

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